Father's Day weekend was so much fun! We got to spend time with all of our dads. And, we had a good time shopping for presents for daddy! BB picked out the cutest card. It said, "From Your Little Princess" on the front with a little white kitten in a tiara. The kitten drew her in! She loves all things kitty! And, she was so sweet. She wanted to know when Mother's Day would be here. I tried explaining that it wouldn't be until next year. But, she kept insisting...."well, it
is next because after Father's Day comes Mother's Day....then Father's Day again....and that's how it goes." I do see the logic, but she couldn't understand why it is so far away. After trying to explain and looking on the calendar, I asked her why. She said, "Because I have to get a present for you!" So sweet. My heart melted.
Here are some pictures from the weekend. I wish I could put some of the sweetest ones on here...but they show her beautiful face!
Reading with Papa:

Swimming at Grandpa's house....sharing a float with Lacy!
BB thought Lacy's love of the pool was hilarious!

She is getting so brave. Three weeks ago, she wouldn't get in the pool without floaties. Now, she won't wear them and she is going down the slide and jumping off the diving board! She is a good little swimmer. Confidence and practice was all she needed!